Monday 28 September 2015


FLOOD FLOW CANAL : This project was envisaged for utilization of 20 TMC of water to irrigate 2.20lakh acres in Karimnagar, Warangal and Nalgonda Dists.The CWC has given clearance in 1996 for Rs.1333 crores.

SCOPE :(1) 44.30 km long canal for Head regulator of SRSP reservoir across PEDDA VAGU II and Konraopet in Karimnagar Dist. to irrigate 32000Acr with 7.6 TMC of water.

(2) 66.00km length canal from reservoir up to storage reservoir, to utilize 26 TMC of water to irrigate 68000 acres across Coratla Vagu, across Manair river near Manvada (V) in Karimnagar.

(3) 125km long canal from service reservoir up to service reservoir with 1.27TMC of water to irrigate 1.20 lakhs acres, at Gowravalli (V).

Under flood flow canal land acquisition is under way for 961 acres, consisting of 634 acres of private land and 187 acres of government land. Notification approving for Rs. 74,640007- was already issued by special collector L.A.

Proposals for Midmaneru project was submitted by L.A Deputy collector for 175 acres but there is no further development, on the plea that the royats are not allowing the survey staff to take up the survey work. The villagers of 9 submergible villages have represented to the government that the alignment to be changed to use upper Mannair reservoir for storage, instead of MMR near Manvada. The government has not agreed to the proposal as the capacity of MMR reservoir is 26 TMC as against upper Manair reservoir capacity of 2 TMC and turned down the demand as not feasible.

In all said and done, the major issue is the rate of compensation which has to be resolved with affected farmers. This is not being done, and the entire project is-kept pending by the government.

The government wants to implement the execution of work in two stages

1. The government accorded administrative approval for 859 crores to provide irrigation for 68000 acres in 1997, head regulators at SRSP, flood flow canal up to mid-Maneru, up to 130km, mid Maneru reservoir at Manvada, in Karimnagar on Manair to utilize 25.87 TMC and an irrigation canals from mid Manair reservoir Left canal 21 km to irrigate 9500 acres and right canal to irrigate 58500 acres.

The total cost of (phase 1 as above, is worked out to rupees 2100 crores for acquiring 2780 acres of land in Nizamabad, and 2500 acres in Vemulavada, Sirisilla and Ellanthakunta of Karimnagar Dist. for laying canals.The project is subject to clearance by forest department, tribal welfare, and investment clearance from planning commission. It is stated by the govt. of A.P that proposals for the above clearance are being sent for the funding the project. Detailed project reports are still under preparation by the government. So far nothing is done on field. Proposal for land acquisition, compensation was fixed at 40000/- and 16000/-per acre of wet and dry land respectively by the government as against the demand of the farmers at the rate of 2.60lakhs,2.85lakhs and 1.50lakhs per acre respectively, presently under cultivation of turmeric, paddy and other crops respectively.

To resolve the land acquisition dispute, district Lok Adalaths have been formed for Nizamabad District and Karimnagar district. The District Lok Adalath at Nizamabad has been convened on 4-7-2001, 9-7-2001, 28-7-2001. The effected royots are demanding Rs. 2,08,200 to Rs.3,35,300 per acre where as the rate offered by the government is only Rs.1.00 lakh per acre. Due to the large variation no settlement could be reached. The Lok Adalath were again held on 25-8-2001,15-9-2001, 5 & 6-10-2001 and after that the DLA was adjourned indefinitely and final decisions has to taken.

Lower Penganga Project:This project is a joint project of Maharastra and Andhra Pradesh across river PenGanga near Chilkala Wadi (v) in Yeotmal, to cultivate 2.38 lakh acres in Yeotmal, Chanda, Dist. of Maharastra and 40000Ac in Adilabad Dist. Andhra Pradesh.

It is informed that out of total yield, water up to Penganga is 123 TMC and the upstream utilization is 83 TMC, the remaining 42 TMC of water can be shared in ratio of 38 TMC for Maharastra and 5 TMC for Andhra Pradesh. It was also agreed that the cost of head works will be shared by the respective states on proportion of water utilization and the cost of canals by the respective states. A joint control board will be established for execution of the project. However as the canal is passing through a sanctuary in Maharastra, revised realignment proposals are under consideration. Meanwhile it is learnt that a writ petition was also filed by the affected Royats of Maharastra before the High Court at Aurangabad, which is pending.

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