Monday 28 September 2015



a)  Originally the project was built in 1931 across Manjira river for irrigation of an ayacut of 2.75000 acres, but at present only a fraction is under irrigation. It is said that due to construction of SRSP, tail end ayacut will be submerged. The govt has not come out with the actual ayacut that will be effected due to SRSP.

b)  The main reason is due to construction of Singur Dam which was planned to supply mainly the drinking water to the city.

c)  Further due to siltation the storage capacity is reduced. Why the govt. is not taking   steps to de-silt? The govt. is proposing to lift the water beyond AlisaugerTank. But the govt. has so far not taken steps for lifting the water as proposed, and did not take any measure to desilt the reservoir. It is said that the govt. still examining the lift irrigation. For its techno-economic feasibility as it may involve spending of 143 crores which the A.P. Govt. is not ready to spend. It is clear that the govt. of A.P. is not willing to implement the strategy suggested by the G.W.U.A in the near future.

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