Monday 28 September 2015


PRANAHITA LI SCHEME : It was proposed across Pranahita river a tributary of Godavari. About 6(v) in Maharastra will be submerged on execution of this project. The government of Maharastra has expressed its inability to accept the proposal. As an alternative, the government is proposing to utilize natural pool in the Godavari river below the confluence of Vardha and Wain Ganga nearTumbi in Adilabad Dist and lift 5TMC of water in 2 stages to irrigate 50000 acres in Adilabad Dist. The cost of project was estimated Rs. 210 crores. (As A.P. Share, 1999-2000).

YELLAMPALLI BARAGE : This is an important project on river Godavari. The site of the project is proposed near Yellampalli (V) Pedapalli, Karimnagar Dist. It is proposed to utilize 65TMC of water from this project, which is below the catchment area of Sriramsagar reservoir. This will enable to augment water supply to tail end Ayacut of SRSP Stage: I and Stage: II. The water of this project can also be utilized for NTPC as an alternative.

The Head works at the Barrage is estimated to cost 980 crores. A new circle is formed to supervise this project.

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