Monday 28 September 2015

Yellampally Project & Scheme

Yellampally project Scheme : (Pumping to LMD)

1)   FIRST STAGE : From the Yellampalli Barage intake well to Bandlavagu Cheruvu, to a length of 4kms by lift irrigation.

2)   SECOND STAGE : From Bandla Vagu Cheruvu to Nandimedaram Tank by lift irrigation at 8.64kms for a length of 4.54.kms.

3)   THIRD STAGE : From N. Medaram to lift for a length of 7.48kms.

4)   FOURTH STAGE : From km16 to another 4.65km with lift.

5)   FIFTH STAGE : From km 20 to 28 km up to Kakatiya main canal,at Choppadandi.

6) SIXTH STAGE : from km 28 to 52 km up to LMD the water flows by gravity.

The estimated project cost is 1660 crores

The above project plans are entrusted to M/s. consulting engineering services (India) Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, for taking up detailed investigation and preparing detailed project report by the end of May 02. But still no progress is made in this respect. 

ICHAMPALLY PROJECT :This is an Interstate multipurpose project across Godavari, 12km down stream at the confluence of Pranahita and Indravathi. The project is envisaged between A.P, Maharastra and Chattisgadh states. The project is to be planned, surveyed and executed. This project after completion will irrigate I570UO acres in Kaharif and 173000 acres in rabi in Karimnagar, Warangal and Khammam dists, Under Godavari basin, utilizing 85 TMC of water from the joint grid. The estimated cost of the project is about 4520 crores (SSR 2000)

In the beginning this project was not accepted by the central government on the ground of loss of forest lands due to submerging and it was suggested to select some alternative site from the head works. Now Ichampally site is finally decided as the best site for the head works.

The governments of A. P, Maharastra, and Chattisgadh has submitted their reports to the Prime Minister to treat this project as National project and to sanction the require funds for execution of this project. The central government has constituted a high level committee in July 2000 and the information compiled by the Govt. of A. P. has been discussed by this committee in the second meeting in January 2001. As decided by this committee, the A.P Government had prepared a note on parameters and B.C ratio for different FRLS and furnished to CWC, and to the government of Maharastra and Chattisgadh for approval.

With regards to utilization of 50 TMC to irrigate 500000 acres, a joint control board has been constituted for finalizing FRL +95M is communicated to the respective governments. Concurrence of government of Maharastra is received, and from the government of Chattisgadh is awaited.

The foundation of this project was laid as early as in 1969, but the project is still not cleared so far by the State Govt. Though the Central Govt. has giver, it's clearance a years back. The State Govt. has agenda for discussion to resolve the Inter state dispute with Chattisgarh for treating the project as a national project. It appears that the State Govt. is not keen for implementing this project as otherwise there is no reason why this cannot be resolved for the last 30 years. When a bigger Interstate dispute of Cavery waters can amicably be resolved, why not this dispute, if the state Govt. takes interest sincerely. The project if completed would benefit Warangal, Khammam, Karimnagar and Nalgonda dists. The original plan of 112 Mts of Bund across river Godavari is revised and reduced to 95 Mts which might effect very little, submerging a small area in Chatisgarh. The Govt. of A.P never tried sincerely to come up with a clear mandate to resolve this Inter - State dispute by involving the centre.

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