Friday 2 October 2015

Hyderabadi Biryani of Telangana


Hyderabadi Biryani of Telangana

The capital of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh - Hyderabad is very famous for Hyderabad biryani  which is prepared by traditional method of dum pukht, that is, slow heating. Cuisine in Hyderabad has inherited its delectable taste from influence of Muslim Nizams and also bestows Persian and Arab influence. 

Kodi (chicken) palav is a loved dish across the state. Mutton biryani, kaaja biryani, kunda biryani(pot biryani) and chicken biryani are as popular.Gravy dishes also include kodi (chicken)koora and mutton (lamb) koora prepared using coriander, tomato, onions and tamarind and eaten with steamed rice. 

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