Wednesday 28 October 2015



Introduction And History

Chalamala Vagu Project (N.T.R.Sagar) a Medium Irrigation Project constructed across the Chelamala Vagu Stream (Locally known as Bugga Vagu) which is a tributary of the Pedda Vagu stream which itself is a tributary of the Pranahita in the Godavari basin.
This Project is constructed across Chelmala vagu near Irkapalli village of Thiryani mandal of Adilabad District and commissioned in the year 1999
The Chalamala Vagu Stream, a tributary of the Peddavagu in Pranabita sub basin in the Godavari Basin.
The Project envisages providing irrigation facilities to an extent of 2429 Ha. in 14 villages the tribal area of Tiryahi Mandal in Adilabad District.

Inter-State Aspects

There are no interstate aspects involved in the project.

Components Of the Scheme

  • Earth dam of a length of 340 Meters
  • Left Regulator at 0.03 KM
  • Right Regulator at 0.83 KM
  • 180 M long H.C. Weir with 1.60 M head of discharge.
  • Left Flank Canal of 6.60 KM
  • Right Flank Canal of 9.00 Km
  • Right Contour canal of 9.30 Km
  • 1R - Minor Canal of 7.20 Km


Catchment area at
reservoir site
103 Sq. Km.
Total yield available225.775 M.Cum
Utilisation Proposed16.118 M.Cum

Water allocated to the Project
0.58 TMC (GWDI Award)

Live storage of the Reservoir
8.7676 M.Cum
Water requirement for creation of the proposed irrigation potential16.118 M.Cum

Irrigation Potential

Total I.P. under the
2429 Ha.
Left Flank Canal243 ha
Under Right Flank Canal2186 ha

Seepage Losses

Necessary provision for seepage losses has made while designing the canals, and the main canals and the Major distributory Ridge Canal one lined.

Cropping Pattern

Name of the CanalKhariff(ha)Rabi(ha)
Left Flank Canal81162nilnil
Right Flank Canal1222046nilnil

Better Water Management

The Project head works are completed. Water was released on 3-8-1998 by the Hon`ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and about 50% of the ayacut is developed. The Project is maintained by W.U.As.

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