Thursday 29 October 2015

LENDI PROJECT -- Telangana Irrigation


Introduction And History

The project is constructed across Lendi river near Gonegoan (V) Mukhed Taluq, Nanded district of Maharastra State. A right bank canal of 35 Kms length is proposed with take off point at Km.20.46 of left bank canal to Irrigate 22,000 Acres in 31 villages in Madnoor and Bichkunda mandals of Nizamabad district of Telangana .Out of this 35 Km length the right canal passes through a length of 8 Km in Maharastra territory and the remaining 27 Km runs in Telangana.
  • Lendi Project is located across Lendi river near Gonegoan (V) Mukhed (Tq) of Nanded (District) Maharastra state.
  • Right side canal in Telangana state off takes at Km.20.46 of left side main canal near Bhaigaon(V), Degloor (Tq) of Maharastra state. It enters into Telangana state near Shakarga(V), Madnoor (M) of Nizamabad District.
Lendi River
Irrigation potential in Maharastra state is 11,000 Ha (27,181 Acres) and in Telangana is 8907 Ha (22,000 Acres).

Inter-State Aspects

This project is an interstate irrigation project between Telangana and Maharastra states. An agreement was concluded between two states on 06-10-1975 to take up lendi Project as joint project. The agreement was made as per Godavari water Disputes tribunal (GWDT) award. The share of Telangana state is 2.43 TMC water (excluding evaporation losses) for irrigating an area of 22,000 Acres (8907 Ha) in Telangana state.
The water and expenditure on the entire project is to be shared in the ratio of 38:62 by Telangana and Maharastra states respectively. Out of 6.36 TMC of water 2.43 TMC water is to be shared by the Telangana state and 3.93 TMC by Maharastra state.

Components Of the Scheme

Component works
  • Excavation of right side main canal for a length of 25.14 Kms.
  • Excavation of distributories and field channels
  • Construction of necessary CD&CM works on main canal, distributaries and field channels including construction of off take sluices.
  • Improvements to M.I. tanks in the command area to M.I. standards.
Sl.No.DescriptionLeft main canalRight main canal
1Main canal in Telangana state
aLength (Kms)Nil25.14
2Main canal in Maharastra state
aLength (Kms)30.84Nil

Irrigation Potential

Irrigation potential in Maharastra state is 11,000 Ha (27,181 Acres) and in Telangana is 8907 Ha (22,000 Acres) benefiting 31 villages in Madnoor and Bichkunda mandals of Nizamabad district of Telangana

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